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Grande Terrasse
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Récit par Francis Hall de sa visite à Saint-Germain-en-Laye

« [p. 211] St. Germain, a tall brick castle, surrounded by a fosse, has a venerable though gloomy aspect : the apartments are small, and for the most part unfurnished, exhibiting only the remnants of magnificence ; but it is not without a feeling of interest we pass through the chambers in which the exiled James spent the last years of his life : the silence and nakedness, both of the castle and town, are in unison with ideas of faded grandeur ; like the character of the fallen monarch, they look monastic, dark and unfortunate. A large town, half inhabited, seldom fails to give birth to melancholy : decay is in all circumstances abhorrent to our feelings, but especially the decay of human society. The principal Restaurateur still exhibits the sign of "The Prince of Wales" ; and feeble as is this record of royalty, it would be difficult to find in any other corner of the world so considerable a mark of respect to the exiled Stuarts. The superb terrace, which bounds the park towards the valley of the Seine, is justly admired [p. 212] for its extent of 7200 fett, and pleasing prospect over Paris and St. Denis. The park contains 8500 acres, and is still stocked with game, for the recreation of the royal family. »

Hall, Francis

Récit par Denis-Joseph-Claude Le Fèvre de sa visite à Saint-Germain-en-Laye

« [p. 37] Marly a subi le sort de Sceaux. La révolution a passé par là. Je n'aime pas à rencontrer les pas de cette mégère. J'en détourne les yeux, et je me dépêche d'arriver à Saint-Germain. Nous montons en humble fiacre cette belle voie terrassée qui fut faite pour des carosses à huit chevaux. Nous descendons à l'auberge de la veuve Fortin.
Nos chevaux essoufflés demandent l'écurie,
Et nous le déjeuner, On le sert, nous mangeons.
Il faut voir mes enfans dont la dent expédie
La côtelette mal rôtie,
Pain, cerises, biscuits, brioche, macarons !
Tandis que ces petits gloutons
Font à table ainsi leur partie,
[p. 38] Dans la chambre voisine une lubrique orgie
Nous régale de ses chansons.
C'étaient des acteurs, des actrices
Des boulevards, venus à Saint-Germain,
Qui s'ébattaient, chez la veuve Fortin,
Comme derrière les coulisses.
Quoique mes enfans ne fussent pas d'âge à deviner ces mystères, nous nous sommes empressés de nous éloigner de la scène où ils se passaient, en prenant le chemin du château.
Ce château, bâti en pierres et en briques, est d'une architecture féodale qui lui donne l'air d'une forteresse. Louis XIV, ami de la magnificence, devait s'y déplaire. On dit aussi que l'importunité de voir le lieu de sa sépulture, du séjour de sa grandeur, l'en dégoûta. Si cela est vrai, nous devons à une faiblesse la création de Versailles. C'est un grand effet de plus né d'une petite cause.
La terrasse, ouvrage de Le Nôtre, est magique. Armide n'eût pu en créer une plus belle pour intéresser la vue de Renaud. L’œil règne de là sur un empire qu'il semble avoir conquis, comme César, en se présentant. Si l’œil parlait, il pourrait dire aussi : veni, vidi, vici ; toute sa conquête se montre à lui comme dans une parade, la Seine, une infinité de villages, les hauteurs de Montmorency, ses vallées, les coteaux de Marly, des prairies, des bois, des champs cultivés, et mille maisons de plaisance qui s'élèvent du sein des hameaux, comme des aigrettes d'officiers au milieu d'un groupe de soldats.
[p. 39] Je prenais ma part de royauté, en dominant sur ce vaste espace, quand je fus accosté par un personnage que l'habitude de voir ce spectacle rendait moins attentif que moi. […]
[p. 44] J’avais entendu vanter la forêt de Saint-Germain, elle a surpassé l'idée que je m'en étais faite. Heureux qui, libre de soucis et d'affaires, peut y promener ses rêveries et son indépendance ! que ces allées sont vastes et belles ! que ces pelouses sont douces! Que ces pavillons de verdure sont richement étoffés! Si le labyrinthe de Crète eût ressemblé à cette forêt, Dédale eût aimé sa prison, et Thésée y serait resté avec Ariane.
Cette superbe population d'arbres, plus tranquille que celle des cités, a inspiré à Desmahis une jolie invocation au silence. Le silence l'a exaucé. Il habite sous ces grands et petits dômes de feuillage, et ne permet qu'aux oiseaux de l'interrompre.
En parcourant la forêt dans tous les sens, je n'ai pu passer devant le Val, château du prince de
Beauveau, sans rendre un petit hommage tacite à un hôte aimable que ce château recevait souvent.
Au plaisir, au bon ton fidèle,
C'est dans sa prose et ses couplets
Le plus léger, le plus piquant modèle
[p. 45] Des grâces de l'esprit français.
Voltaire aimait sa muse familière,
Comme un phosphore, un feu follet,
Qui toujours surprend, toujours plait
Par les jets vifs de sa lumière.
Qui ne sait ces vers délicats
Façonnés dans un style honnête
Sur un objet qui ne l’est pas.
Et dont il fit conquête sur conquête ?
Vous rappeler ici ces diamans de vers
Si finement taillés, c'est vous nommer Boufflers.
La promenade donne de l'appétit. Le dîner nous rappelle à l'auberge. Nous repassons devant le château, que je regarde encore. Je serais resté plus long-temps à considérer ce vieux monument, bâti par Louis IV et rajeuni par Henri IV et Louis XIV, si ma compagnie n'eût pas été plus pressée de se mettre à table que de rester en contemplation devant des pierres. Le dernier roi qu'elles ont logé est celui que son gendre avait supplanté à Londres.
Du néant des grandeurs témoignage éclatant,
Ce fut là que Stuart, déchu du diadème,
Sans pompe, sans armée, et réduit à lui-même,
Ne pouvant vivre en roi, vécut en pénitent.
Une grande infortune attendrit toujours l'âme.
Qui sait s'y résigner doit être exempt de blâme.
Cependant, malgré moi, je reste confondu,
Qu’un prince qui porta le sceptre d'Angleterre,
Lorsque ce sceptre fut perdu,
Ait cru le remplacer en prenant un rosaire.
[p. 46] Ce prince passait pour brave, autant qu'il avait été voluptueux dans la cour de délices de son frère Charles II. Mais il y a de ces adversités qui écrasent tous les ressorts ; et quand, tombé de la sphère des grandeurs factices, la foi vous montre une religion qui vous tend une main pour vous relever, et vous fait voir de l'autre, comme refuge certain, une sphère bien plus éblouissante que celle que vous avez quittée ; quand elle vous promet, en échange de la dignité périssable de roi de la terre, la qualité éternelle de citoyen de la république céleste , il n'est pas extraordinaire que, pénétré de la vérité de cette promesse, on se livre à l'abnégation dont Jacques Stuart a donné l'exemple.
Vous aimez, mon ami, que l'on passe du sérieux à l'enjouement. Je quitte donc le château de Saint-Germain pour l'auberge, et le ton de la complainte pour celui de convive. »

Le Fèvre, Denis-Joseph-Claude

Récit par August Hermann Niemeyer de sa visite à Saint-Germain-en-Laye

« [p. 275] Wir eilten nach dem sehr nahe gelegenen St. Germain en Laye. Die kleine stille Stadt vereinigte so manches Sehenswerthe ; die herrlichste Lage, das alte Schloß, und das gerade damals so berúhmte Erziehungsinstitut der Mad. Campan.
Keinen Ort liebten die vormaligen Könige so sehr in keinem ihrer Schlósser lebten und wohnten sie so oft als hier. Große Staatsverhandlungen sind gerade in diesen Mauern zu Stande gebracht. Es war selbst die Geburtsstátte mehrerer Regenten, Heinrich des II, Carl des IX, selbst Ludwig des XIV. Als es die Kónige verließen, ward es háufig der Aufenthalt ihrer Gáste. Hier endete auch der aus England vertriebene Jakob II seine Lage.
Welche Lage hátte es aber auch mehr verdient, in den schónsten Monaten dés Jahres mit Paris vertauscht zu werden ? Sie vereinigt alles was das Auge nah und fern entzúcken kann, man mag nun auf den oberen Gallerien des Schlosses oder auf der berúhmten Terrasse – vielleicht einer der gróßten die es giebt – umherblicken. Auf der einen Seite hat man die dunklen Schattirungen des großen Parks mit seinen ehrwúrdigen Báumen, auf der andern die heitern unúbersehbaren Ebenen, wo man, den lauf der Seine in die weiteste Ferne verfolgend, auf dem fruchtbarsten Boden zahllose Schlósser, Landháuser, Dórfer und Stádte zu seinen Fúßen sieht. Selbst die reine [p. 276] luft, die man hier vorzugsweise einathmen soll, erhóht den Reiz der lage. Man begreift es nicht, wie Ludwig XIV der wohl Sinn fúr das Große und Schóne auch in der Natur hatte, dennoch den Entschluß fassen konnte, an Verfailles unendliche Summen zu verschwenden, statt hier an die Stelle des uralten durch stetes Anflicken und Bessern zur unregelmáßigen Form entstellten Schlosses (wie sie die Titelvignette darstellt) ein von Grund aus neues aufzufúhren, wo die Architektur, unterstútzt von der einzig schónen, durch alle Kunstanlagen Lenotres nicht zu ersetzende Natur, ihren hóchsten Triumph hátte feyern kónnen. Aber wie leicht werden die Herrscher des Alten múde ! Sie wollen lieber Schaffen als des Vorhandenen ruhig genießen ; sie wollen, der einfachen Natur múde, sie lieber nach ihren Einfállen durch lácherliche Spielereyen verkúnsteln. Was sie dann wáhrend des Entstehens oft Lag und Nacht bescháftigt hat, ist, wenn es vollendet dasteht, nur zu bald wieder vergessen.
Fast klingt es úbrigens wie Spott, was man jedoch einstimmig erzáhlt, daß es die Thúrme von St. Denys waren, die dem Kónige den Aufenthalt, wo sich vordem so viele seiner Vorgánger, namentlich Heinrich der IV, so glúcklich gefúhlt hatten, verleideten, und so der Plan in ihm reifte, einem platten sumpfigen Boden, alles was ihm die Natur versagt hatte, mit unermeßlichen Kosten abzugewinnen. Allerdings hat [p. 277] man auf den schónsten Standpunet von St. Germain das große Mausoleum der in Staub zerfallenen Dynastieen stets im Auge ; und da die Kónige weit sichrer als die Privatpersonen wissen kónnen, wo ihre letzte Státte seyn werde – sollte ihr Leben auch in noch so großer Entfernung enden – so konnte auch der, dem feine Schmeichler unablássig vorsagten und vorsangen, daß er der gróßte Mensch seines Jahrhunderts sey, nicht zweifeln, daß die Zeit kommen músse, wo von allen diesen vergótternden Gesángen nur das dumpfe Requiem in jenem St. Denys als Nachklang úbrig bleiben werde. Sollte aber Ludwig den Tod so sehr gefúrchtet haben ? Er starb doch mit großer Fassung ; und da in seiner Familie Todesfall auf Todesfall folgte, so konnte er ohnehin der Erinnerung daran nirgend entgehen. »

Niemeyer, August Hermann

Description du château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye par L. T. Ventouillac

« [p. 47] Château St. Germaine-en-Laye
St. Germain en Laie is four leagues from Paris, on the edge of the forest of Laie (one of the largest and finest in France), on the road to Mantes.
Its greatest ornament is the Château originally built for the accommodation of the kings of France when they were disposed to hunt in the neighbouring forest. Francis I caused the old castle to be demolished, and constructed a new one nearer the Seine, now denominated the Old Castle, and entirely in ruins. Henry IV built what is called the New Palace, which Louis XIII and XIV embellished; the latter adding the noble towers which flank the angles. The terrace of St. Germaine is 7200 feet in length.
Here were born Henry II, Charles IX, and Louis XIV; and in this palace James II, of England, found, after the Revolution of 1688, a truly royal asylum. He died here in 1701. The views were from the terrace of the course of the Seine, the villages and country seats bordering the metropolis, the rich and animated meadows, and the distant hills, are most picturesque and delightful. On one of the hills in the distance may be distinguished the fine aqueduct of Marly.
[p. 127] Cour du château de St. Germain
The road from Paris to St. Germain-en-Laie offers many points of interest to the traveller. Passing through the Champs Elysees, we reach the Barriere and then the bridge of Neuilly, whence appears, on an eminence to the right, the picturesque village of Courbevoie: farther on is Colombes, remarkable chiefly as the residence of Henrietta, wife of Charles I of England. She died here in 1669. The next village is Nanterre, about two leagues and a quarter from Paris, and one of the most ancient neighbours. Here St. Genevieve, the patroness of the metropolis, is said to have been born in the fifth century. Close by is Ruel, distinguished by its superb barracks, erected by Louis XV, and occupied by the Russians as a military hospital in 1814. The church is a superior edifice of the 16th century; and not far distant the chateau of cardinal Richelieu is to be seen. Malmaison now presents its fine grounds, and is succeeded by Marly and its celebrated aqueduct; the road from the former winding along the left bank of the Seine until it reaches the town of St. Germain. Marly and its neighbourhood afford many delightful views of the environs of Paris.
We have already adverted to the history of the Chateau de St. Germain. The seat of an English court and cabinet for the last ten years of the 17th century, it has never since been a favorite residence of the French monarchs; was almost abandoned in the reigns of Louis XV and XVI, and converted, during the Revolution, into barracks. The ancient court shown in the plate is in the best style of the period of Francis I and Henry IV, to whom this palace owes its chief buildings. »

Ventouillac, L. T.

Récit par Simeon South de sa visite à Saint-Germain-en-Laye

« [p. 182] After passing Mont Calvary, you drive on through several villages, and near Malmaison, and the heights and water-works of Marly, to this town, so long the favourite residence of the sovereigns of France, and afterwards of the last of the Stuart kings.
Its imposing chateau presents no interior attraction : wanting furniture, it looks like what it has occasionally been used for [p. 183] a barrack : and now its only tenants are the porter, and his family. His daughter, a lively brunette, showed us over it, and, on coming to Madame La Valière’s apartment, she pointed to the ceiling, in which there is ingeniously concealed by the moulding, a trap-door, by which to avoid the vigilance of his mother, Anne of Austria, Louis XIV descended to his mistress. I need not give you further description of this deserted caravansery, or its very richly decorated chapel.
In the Place d’Armes, opposite the château stands the new church, with a large Doric portico.
Its altar is splendid. On the left is a very small free-stone monument, within a slight railing : the inscription tells us that, beneath it repose the remains (les dépouilles) of James II King of England.
I recollect reading somewhere, that a superb monument, to be erected over it, was executing, during the reign, and at the expense [p. 183] of, George IV. I know nothing of the circumstance, but I suspect that the design (I wish you would ask Mr. Hume) has ended in a mere job ; for, within the railing there are three or four pieces of marble, evidently intended for a monument, laying among some straw, which apparently surrounded the case in which they were packed. If put up, they would form such a monument as the widow of a Parisian shoemaker would blush to see over the grave of her husband, at Père la Chaise.
Of the ancien forest called Sylvia Lida, which in the time of Charlemagne was the most extensive in France, that of St Germain is a remaining portion, which still occupies about 8,000 acres, surrounded by walls. It produces the most stately trees, and the finest timber that I have seen in France : roads and paths traverse it, and the walks, which we have found exceedingly pleasant, are frequented [p. 185] chiefly by genteel-looking persons. Guide posts to direct passengers, are placed where roads traverse each other ; and we frequently meet with crosses, erected at various periods, to commemorate known or forgotten events. Roebucks, deer, stags, and wild boars, are preserved her for the Royal Hunt ; and the Château de la Muette, in the centre of the forest, is the rendezvous à la chasse. The pheasantry is surrounded with walls, and annually sown with buck-wheat. The fairs of St. Germain are held twice a year in the forest.
The magnificent terrace, probably the most spacious in Europe, extending in front of the wood, along the elevated bank of the Seine, is a mile and a half long, and one hundred feet in breadth. The trees of the forest shade and shelter this once regal promenade, and a fine parapet and railing, rise along the whole edge of the abrupt height, which forms its outward boundary.
[p. 186] The view from the terrace, if not what tourists would consider enchantingly sublime, is certainly magnificent, in regard to prospect, and its landscape is truly rich in picturesque beauty.
Here often did the most amorous of Princes and the fair La Valière, promenade in the hey-day of youth and passion ; here did the bigoted James, and his gloomy confessor saunter, accompanied, perhaps, by the devoted Duchess of Perth ; and here now may some retired English families, and a few of the old, quiet inhabitants of St. Germain, be seen walking in pensive mood, when the evenings are calmly closing days spent, in lazy monotony : but the splendour of Royalty, the joyous revelry, the courtly amours, and political intrigues, from it are fled – in all probability, for ever.
As a mere town, I dislike St. Germain, it has scarcely a house worthy of notice.
The Hotel de Noailles, once a sumptuous [p. 187] residence, has been converted into barracks, which now form the imposing lodgment of the King’s body guard. »

South, Simeon

Récit par James Fenimore Cooper de sa visite à Saint-Germain-en-Laye

« [p. 77] The next stage brought us to St. Germain-en-Laye, or to the verge of the circle of low mountains that surround the plains of Paris. Here we got within the influence of royal magnificence and the capital. The Bourbons, down to the period of the revolution, were indeed kings, and they have left physical and moral impressions of their dynasty of seven hundred years, that will require as long a period to eradicate. Nearly every foot of the entire semi-circle of hills to the west of Paris is historical, and garnished by palaces, pavilions, forests, parks, aqueducts, gardens, or chases A carriage terrace, of a mile in length, and on a most magnificent scale in other respects, overlooks the river, at an elevation of several hundred feet above its bed. The palace itself, a quaint old edifice of the time of Francis I, who seems to have had an architecture not unlike that of Elizabeth of England, has long been abandoned as a royal abode. I believe its last royal occupant was the dethroned James II. It is said to have been deserted by its owners, because it commands a distant view of that silent monitor, the sombre beautiful spire of St. Denis, whose walls shadow the vaults of the Bourbons; they who sat on a throne not choosing to be thus constantly reminded of the time when they must descend to the common fate and crumbling equality of the grave.
An aqueduct, worthy of the Romans, gave an imposing idea of the scale on which these royal works were conducted. It appeared, at the distance of a league or two, a vast succession of arches, displaying a broader range of masonry than I had [p. 78] ever before seen. So many years had passed since I was last in Europe, that I gazed in wonder at its vastness.
From St. Germain we plunged into the valley, and took our way towards Paris, by a broad paved avenue, that was bordered with trees. »

Cooper, James Fenimore

Récit par John Sanderson de son passage à Saint-Germain-en-Laye

« [p. 231] We now went two leagues and a half further to St. Germain, and walked upon its elegant Terrace. The [p. 232] Pretender is buried here, and several of the little Pretenders ; and in going along we looked at the Machine de Marli, which desires to be remembered to the Falls of Niagara. The water is climbing up an immense hill by dribbles to supply the little squirting Cupids at Versailles.
St. Germain was once the seat of the pleasures and magnificence of the Grand Monarch. He left it, because St. Denis, standing upon a high eastem eminence, overtopped his palace, a memento mori amidst the royal cups. Kings do not choose that these telltales of mortality shall look in at their windows. »

Sanderson, John

Récit par Ludwig Rellstab de sa visite à Saint-Germain-en-Laye

« [p. 372] Auf die blendenden Herrlichkeiten von gestern ließ ich heut einen ganz entgegengesetzten Genuß folgen. Bei dem schönsten Frühlingswetter fuhr ich auf der [p. 373] Versailler Eisenbahn rechten Ufers nach St. Germain. Es ist berühmt wegen seiner schönen Lage, aber doch nicht berühmt genug, denn ich wüßte kaum eine reizenderen, eigenthümlicheren Punkt, wo Natur und Anbau so Hand in Hand gingen, um das Schöne herzustellen. Schon der Weg bis dahin is reizend. Man fährt zwischen Weinbergen, Landhäusern, Gärten dahin, mit immer wechselnden Ausftchten auf die viel gekrümmte Seine. Man benutzt ihren Strom mehrfältig, und hält endlich an demselben, am sogenannten Pecq (den die Franzosen beiläusig Pé aussprechen) einem Oertchen am diesseitigen Ufer, von dem aus wir das Städtchen St. Germain gegenüber an und auf der Anhöhe liegen sehn. Hier nehmen uns Omnibus in Empfang, führen und über die Seinebrücke und das jenseitige, steile, wohl gegen zweihundert Fuß hohe Ufer auf einem zwischen Weinbergen und Gärten hindurch gewundenen Wege hinan. Bei dieser Fahrt bis vor das Thor zu sehn, die uns indeß durch Nichte, als durch einige, recht stattliche öffentliche Gebäude, eine Kirche, ein Stadthaus, ja sogar ein Theater, auffällt. Die Theater siud jetzt wie Brennnesseln, sie wuchern überall. Der Wagen hält vor dem Eingang des Schlosses. Dasselbe ist durchaus alterthümlich, es hat kleine Festungsmauern, ist mit eine und ausspringenden Winkeln [p. 374] angelegt, und von einem röthlich graven Stein erbaut, der das Auffallende und Seltsame des Ganzen noch vermehrt. Mir haben diese Gebäude einen ungleich größeren Reiz, als die neuen, oder frisch erhaltenen Schlösser mit ihrer koketten Pracht, und zur Staffage einer Landschaft vollends siud sie bei weitem günstiger. Dennoch sollte das Schloß von St. Germain nicht grade so verfallen, daß man jetzt ein Militair Gesängniß daraus gemacht hat. Dazu wahrlich bauten sich die Ahnen unsrer Könige nicht an den schönsten Punkten an, dazu schufen sie nicht mit ungeheuren Rosten diese herrlichen Terrassen, daß man, wo die Götter der Erde zu ihrer Lust weilten, die ärmsten Sclaven derselben zu ihrer Strase einwohne. Ist einmal Blut und Schweiß der Menschheit zur Herstellung des Schönen geflossen, so erneuert und verdoppelt sich der Frevel, wenn man es ihr nicht zu Gute kommen läßt. Aber das geschieht auch noch, denn der Garten von St. Germain, offenbar immer das Schönste, und nicht wieder herzustellen, wird der Stadt erhalten. Und wahrlich er ist der reizendste von allen in der Umgegend von Paris, durch seine unbeschreiblich schöne Lage. Ich will der hohen alten Bäumen, der schattendunkeln Laubgänge, der sanften Rasenteppiche gar icht gedenken, denn diese sinden sich auch in den andern Gärten, wiewohl kaum so schön. Aber der Blick von der Terrasse ! [p. 375] Er ist wahrhast italienisch zu nennen ! Weithin überschaut man die freie Krümmung des schönen Stromes, zwischen Weinhügeln und Gärten, eine Menge schimmernder Flecken und Landhäuser blinken aus dem Grün der Umbüschungen. Zur rechten steht man die Wasserleitung von Marly, mit ihren hohen Bogen ; gegenüber die prächtige Höhe der Mont Valerien, in der Ferne den graven Montmartre. Eben so anmuthig und romantisch ist der Bordergrund auf dem steilen Ufer der Seine, der sich in Terrassen abdacht, die mit Gärten und Billen bedeckt stud. Der Schloßgarten selbst zieht sich diese steile Höhe hinunter, und auf vielfach gewundenen und gebrochenen Steintreppen können wir von hier aus die Seinebrücke wieder erreichen, ohne die Stadt zu berühren.
Ich machte heut noch viele Abschiedsbesuche, doch der von St. Germain wurde mir fast am schwersten. Bon allen Landschaften um Paris ist diese unbedingt die schönste die ich bisher gesehn, und sollte ich ein Bewohner von Paris werden, so müßte ich wenigstens den Sommer Hindurch in St. Germain sein ! »

Rellstab, Ludwig

Récit par Bayle Saint John de sa visite à Saint-Germain-en-Laye

« We crowded into a cab to the station, and went by rail to Saint Germain. Richmond is beautiful, but is nothing to that place. The terrace, bordered on one side by forests, descends on the other to a sparkling reach of the Seine, overlooks a fertile expanse of country dotted with hamlets and woods, takes in the whole varied outlines of Paris, serrated by steeples and cathedral towers and domes, as well as the vast sweep of hills, where villages and palaces peep at every point between masses of verdure, from Argenteuil all round to Meudon. There is no place which the Parisians admire so much, or with such good reason. On Sunday, especially, train after train flies over the wooded country, up the slope (where atmospheric pressure takes the place of steam), and discharges an almost unceasing torrent of people under the red walls of the palace, where a proscribed Stuart had once leisure to repent the obstinate bigotry that forced him to make way for a Dutch prince adventurer.
The Parisian, however, cares nothing for historical associations. Besides, he has never heard what took place before ‘89 ; and if he had, what matters it to him in what room of what big house a discarded king of times gone by spent [p. 5] some gloomy hours ? Our countrymen are note quite so philosophical ; and I rarely go to Saint Germain without seeing some relative of my friend Cockney, or some solid North Briton, guide-book in hand, prowling about the gateway, and trying to look sentimental. There are still a few people who feel an interest in that gross family, and now and then we hear in society innocent young maidens warbling wretched ditties, that appeal to sentiments which they would be ashamed to understand. Why will mothers allow marriageable daughters to make that abominable « Charlie » the hero of their imaginations ?
« What is that great – ? » [the oath had no meaning in her mouth, and so it is unnecessary to repeat it.] « What is that large Englishman looking up into the air for ? » inquired Fifine.
« An English king has apartments there », observed Rose, to whom Guguste had been trying to impart some historical notions. The young man, being in a bookseller’s office, thought it necessary to exhibit his learning, and tried to correct her chronology ; but was interrupted by Fifine, who cried :
« It is no matter ; I don’t care a rush about him. Here is a dealer in macarons : the gentleman must treat us to some. »
Agricole looked a little annoyed, because he had [p. 6] been just telling me that, instead of educating himself, he had been trying to educate Fifine, and had boasted of his success. He admitted, however, that he could not impart to her any proper ideas of chronology, because she could neither believe in the past nor in the future, and could rarely be brought to refer even to the period of their own childhood, much less to the possibility that a time should come when she should cease to be. I believe that to humble, uneducated people, life is much longer than it is to us, who constantly overhaul the years that have gone by, and classify our doings and express them in general formula, and look a-head and analyse life, and reduce it to four or five great events.
I have forgotten to mention that it was fête-day at Saint Germain – to my horror and dismay, for I had been taken away quite unexpectedly. Early in spring the villages in the neighbourhood of Paris by turns begin to celebrate the festivals of their patron saints. In some out-of-the-way places we may still observe the presence of real hearty simplicity on these occasions. Dancing and donkey-races form the amusements. As a rule, however, the fêtes are only means of attracting people to spend money. They take place on Sundays, when all Parisiens indulge in a holiday. »

Saint John, Bayle

Récit par Samuel James Capper de son passage à Saint-Germain-en-Laye

« [p. 285] I came on to this old-fashioned little town, where for such long years our exiled Stuarts held their Court. I did this because lodging at Versailles was out of the question. Not only the last bed, but I am disposed to think the last arm-chair, has long been appropriated. Everywhere the troops are encamped, and all day yesterday poured in the long stream of fugitives from Paris. […] [p. 286] St. Germain was almost as crowded as Versailles, and I esteemed myself very fortunate to secure a garret.
The terrace of St. Germain presented a strange and anomalous appearance. Eager faces were watching the white smoke from Valérien, and gazing over the magnificent panorama to the dark spot in the distance, which they knew was the site of the Arc de Triomphe, just over which I distinguished the peculiar ring of white smoke which is caused by the bursting of a shell in the air. At the same time, nurses were promenading with their little charges along the terrace, and ladies and gentlemen were strolling up and down, enjoying the glorious panorama and the delicious afternoon, as though men at a very few miles’ distance were not engaged in the mortal strife, and those little puffs of smoke were not the too sensible signs of the agony of civil war into which their country had been plunged. »

Capper, Samuel James

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